Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Little Creatures to be sold off - so what

It's doing the rounds at the moment - Little Creatures, makers of the Little Creatures beers, Pip Squeak Ciders and more, is going to be bought out by Lion, makers of Tooheys and XXXX and several others, who is owned by Kirin who make not only beers, but soft drinks and pharmaceuticals, run restaurant's and agribio businesses - actually it's probably shorter to list but longer to find out, what they don't run or own.

Anyway, the purpose of this is to say that this should have come as no surprise, Lion / Kirin which ever name you want to use already owned a fair sized stake in Little Creatures, hence their ability to distribute their products so easily and widely.

Just like Malt Shovel (James Squire) is owned by Lion and Matilda Bay is owned by Fosters, any craft brewer making decent beer and decent money / market share will come to the attention of the big 2.

You just need to ask, do they still make good beer. If in doubt find another craft brewer.

Personally these beers, James Squire, Matilda Bay, Little Creatures are my fall back beers - if I'm stuck somewhere where I can't get a "craft beer" (read micro brewery, not mega brewery) are my fall back beers and will be until they go the way of the rest of Lion's and Fosters stables, bland tasteless junk.

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